Funerals — St. Mary Armenian Church Livingston NJ


 Making Funeral Arrangements in the Armenian Church

We understand that the loss of a loved one is an incredibly challenging experience, and our church is here to provide support for you and your family during this difficult time. Most importantly, it's a moment for us to come together in prayer, giving thanks for the life of your loved.

What do I do when my loved one has departed and entered eternal rest?

1.           Contact the church office at 973-533-9794, or email  to notify us of the passing of your loved one.

2.           Notify your preferred funeral home. If you don't have one in mind, here are some options:

•            Quinn-Hopping Funeral Home Address: 145 E Mt Pleasant Ave, Livingston, NJ 07039

•            Shook's Cedar Grove Funeral Home Address: 486 Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

•            William G. Basralian Funeral Home Address: 559 Kinderkamack Rd, Oradell, NJ 07649

The church and the funeral home will collaborate closely to make this process as seamless and stress-free as possible for you and your family.

Once the arrangements are finalized, please share the details, a photo of your loved one, and the names of survivors with the church office. This enables us to send an email notification and a phone calling post to the members of the St. Mary Armenian Church community. Additionally, we kindly request that you prepare a biography of the departed, to be submitted to the priest at least one day before the funeral service. This allows us to honor and remember your loved one appropriately.

In-lieu-of-flowers donations

We kindly ask the family to designate the church or another organization for donations in lieu of flowers. The church will provide envelopes when named as a recipient of the donations.

What is the memorial service?

The ritual of burial is divided into three parts:

·         the Wake Service (Տան կարգ),

·         the Church Service (Եկեցեցւոյ կարգ), and

·         the Graveside/Cemetery Service(Գերեզմանի կարգ). 


The wake service, also known as the Dan Gark service, is held the night before the funeral. While traditionally performed at the funeral home, families may choose to have this service at the church.


The funeral service takes place in the church sanctuary, where prayers are offered for the soul of the departed and a eulogy is delivered. Please note that no lay person may speak or give eulogies in the church sanctuary. Friends and family may speak at the funeral home or at the memorial luncheon (hokejash).

The church will provide a deacon and an organist to accompany the priest during the service. Deacons are assigned based on a regular rotation, but if you have a specific request, please let us know through the church office.


This service take place at the cemetery, during which the earth is blessed and put on the casket and the grave is blessed and sealed until the second coming of Christ.

 Based on the family’s preference, the prayers, readings, and eulogy can be performed in Armenian, English, or a combination of both languages.


 The Armenian Church does not perform funeral services over cremates. However, in cases of cremation, the church can hold a special memorial service (Hokehankisd) in memory of the deceased.


 Following the funeral service, the family may host the memorial meal at St. Mary Armenian Church’s Toufayan Hall. Upon request, the church office or the funeral home will refer the family to the church caterer to make the necessary arrangements.

What do I do next?

It is tradition in the Armenian Church to offer special prayers for our loved ones who have fallen asleep in Christ. These prayers are based on an understanding from the Holy Scriptures that just as Christ died and lived again, the faithful who have died are merely asleep in Christ.

In the Armenian Church, it is a tradition to offer special prayers for our loved ones who fallen asleep in Christ. These prayers are based on an understanding from the Holy Scriptures that just as Christ died and lived again, the faithful who have died are merely asleep in Christ.

 We typically conduct special Requiem Services as follows:

•            40 Days Commemoration (Karasounk): Family members and friends often request a 40-day requiem service (Karasounk) to be held forty days after their loved one's burial.

•            Anniversary Requiem Services: Family members can also request requiem services on the one-year anniversary of their loved one's passing (Darelilts), as well as on all subsequent anniversaries.

These special Requiem prayers can be requested at any Sunday throughout the year, with the exception of the five major feast days:

Armenian Christmas, Easter, the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, and the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

For Sunday requiem services (Hokehankisd or the Repose of the Souls), arrangements should be made by noon on the Wednesday before the desired service. Please call the office at 973-533-9794 to arrange. Additionally, you can donate altar flowers, light candles, and/or host a fellowship coffee hour in memory of your loved one. For more information, please contact the church office at 973-533-9794.
